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English: flavour, taste, relish, sapidity, savour, smack, nip, tang
the sensory impression of a food/substance
हिनदी: स्वाद
العربية: طعم
Deutsch: der Geschmack
Polski: smak
Български: вкус
Esperanto: gusto
American English: flavor, savor
Español: el gusto
Português: o gosto, sabor
日本語: 風味ふうみ, あじ, 味覚みかく
Nederlands: smaak, aroma
Suomi: maku

Wikipedia: 1

中文: 味道wèi dao
Русский: аромат
Français: le goût
Italiano: sapore
Ελληνικά: άρωμα, γεύση
Latviešu: garša
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